Character - CK3 Wiki (2024)

This article has been verified for the current version (1.12) of the game.

A character refers to any person, historical or generated, that is represented personally in Crusader Kings III. Every single character is an individual, living entity that will act individually and has the potential to change history. Characters can be either noble or lowborn, and landed or unlanded.

  • Noble characters are members of a dynasty.
  • Lowborn characters are not members of a dynasty. If they are landed with a playable government title they will become noble and found a dynasty.
  • Landed characters own at least one holding.
  • Unlanded characters do not own any holdings; a character who Leases holdings (e.g. a Realm Priest) is considered an unlanded character.


  • 1 Appearance
    • 1.1 Barbershop
  • 2 Sexual Orientation
  • 3 Opinion
    • 3.1 Attraction
    • 3.2 Relations
    • 3.3 Tyranny
  • 4 Legitimacy
  • 5 Diplomatic range
  • 6 Nicknames
  • 7 AI Personality
  • 8 Legends
    • 8.1 Decision legend seeds
    • 8.2 Historical legend seeds

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Characters are depicted using a 3D portrait system. Every character's physical appearance is internally determined by a DNA system, which defines how they look: facial features, skin pigmentation, height, and hair color are all stored as DNA. This DNA is dynamically generated for courtiers, and can be directly edited with the Ruler Designer. DNA is stored as dominant and recessive genes and passed on to a character's children, affecting their appearance.

As Crusader Kings III covers a large portion of Eurasia and North Africa in its setting, characters can be from a diverse number of ethnicities: West/Central European, Northern European, Slavic, Arctic, Mediterranean, West African, East African, Arabic, Asian, North Indian, or South Indian.

Their appearance is further determined by age, weight, and certain congenital traits. Characters will age as years pass by, eventually growing old and withering away. Their appearance can also be adversely affected by illness or injury; battle wounds may scar their face, while disease can leave a ghastly impact on their visage.

Barbershop[edit | edit source]

Players can adjust the appearance of their ruler or ruler's family members via the Barbershop window. This allows hair and clothing to be changed, overriding the character's default appearance.

Sexual Orientation[edit | edit source]

Male iconFemale iconPreferenceCan form lover relations and have attraction opinion with
HeterosexualCharacters of the opposite sex
hom*osexualCharacters of the same sex
AsexualNo one

A character's sexual orientation determines with which gender they will gain attraction opinion and can form lover relations. It is decided when the character is around 10 years old and cannot be changed. AI characters will never try to form a relation with characters that do not match their sexual orientation. Both the initial distribution of sexual orientation and the chance for children to gain a certain sexual orientation is determined by the sexuality distribution game rule.

If the child is played by a player, there is a 20% chance that the player will get to pick the gender preference.

Opinion[edit | edit source]

Each character has an Character - CK3 Wiki (9) opinion of every other character. The Character - CK3 Wiki (10)opinion the player character holds influences the success rate of certain actions that target another character while the Character - CK3 Wiki (11)opinion of AI characters also determines their behavior towards other characters.

When a character dies, their primary heir will temporarily inherit part of the Character - CK3 Wiki (12)opinion of vassals towards the late liege, shown as Opinion of Predecessor.

  • Positive opinion towards predecessor: 25% of Character - CK3 Wiki (13)opinion is inherited.
  • Negative opinion towards predecessor: 50% of Character - CK3 Wiki (14)opinion is inherited.

Attraction[edit | edit source]

Attraction is an Character - CK3 Wiki (15)opinion modifier that can only be held towards characters one's sexual preference allows. Male characters aged above 65 years and female character above 50 years are not affected by attraction.

Relations[edit | edit source]

When certain requirements are met, two characters can have one of three types of relations, with each type having three levels. Relations have a great impact on how two characters act towards each other.

  • Childhood relations can only be held between two child characters and might evolve into their corresponding adulthood relations when the characters reach adulthood
  • Adulthood relations can be gained and lost as a result of events
  • Lifelong relations can only be obtained towards characters with an existing adulthood relation and each character can have only one of each lifelong relation
RelationChildhoodAdulthoodLifelongCan be ended manually
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (17) +60 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (18) +60 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (19) +10 stress when character dies
Best Friend
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (20) +120 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (21) +10 stress when character dies
Character - CK3 Wiki (22)
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (24) +60 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (25) +60 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (26) +25% fertility
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (27) +10 stress when character dies
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (28) +120 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (29) +25% fertility
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (30) +10 stress when character dies
Character - CK3 Wiki (31)
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (33) -20 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (34) -60 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (35) -35 stress when character dies
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (36) -120 opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (37) -35 stress when character dies
Character - CK3 Wiki (38)

Tyranny[edit | edit source]

Tyranny is Character - CK3 Wiki (39) negative opinion gained by rulers who take unjust actions. It is felt by vassals and courtiers towards a liege. The maximum tyranny a character can have is 1000. Tyranny is not gained if the liege has a valid reason.

Successfully imprisoning a character+20 tyranny
Increasing feudal obligations+20 tyranny per obligation without concession or hooks
Revoking title without title revocation reason+20 tyranny
Retracting a vassal+5 tyranny
Banishing a vassal+5 tyranny
Executing a vassal+10 tyranny

Tyranny can be lost through certain events and most importantly through

Monthly Decay:

  • By default tyranny decays by -0.25 each month
  • The 'Soon Forgiven' Duty lifestyle Tree perk provides -0.15 monthly Tyranny
  • The 'Venial' Character - CK3 Wiki (42) Guile Dynasty perk provides -0.05 monthly Tyranny

All tyrannical actions, events and the monthly decay can be affected by the following modifiers:

SourceTyranny Gain
Natural Primitivism (Tenet)+100%
Chivalry Tradition+50%
Legalistic Tradition+25%
Generic Artifact Modifier+10% to +40%
General ModifiersVaries
Zomorrodnegar (Historical Artifact)-15%
Character - CK3 Wiki (46)Callous (Trait)-20%
Diplomatic Court Grandeur Level 4 Perk-20%
The Palace of Aachen (Special Building)-20%
Pursuit of Power (Tenet)-20%
Jewelled Danda (Historical Artifact)-20%
Defender of the Faith Theology Lifestyle Perk-25%
Easy Difficulty-25%
Very Easy Difficulty-75%
General Modifiers and ArtifactsVaries
SourceTyranny Loss
Domestic Affairs (Chancellor Task)~+1% to ~+50%
Generic Artifact Modifier+2% to +16%
General ModifiersVaries
Hereditary Hierarchy (Cultural Tradition)-50%

With the Torturer lifestyle perk Malice Implicit, characters gain Character - CK3 Wiki (49) +0.5 dread per tyranny.

Legitimacy[edit | edit source]

Legitimacy is a measure of a ruler character's right to rule. Legitimacy can be gained by acquiring titles, releasing valuable prisoners, taking certain decisions, creating legends, holding court, attending activities and winning wars, especially against rulers of higher title rank. These gains can be further modified, positively by having the Living Legend or Character - CK3 Wiki (51)Venerated Ancestor traits, or negatively if the character is a Character - CK3 Wiki (52)Bastard or a Character - CK3 Wiki (53)Legitimized Bastard.

Legitimacy can be lost by losing titles, accepting faction demands, taking tyrannical actions, discovered hostile schemes, exposed secrets, excommunication, marrying Lowborn characters, plagues starting in the Domain, disinheriting dynasty members, and losing wars, especially civil wars - losses are also magnified for characters with a Character - CK3 Wiki (54)Disputed Heritage. When a ruler dies their heirs will inherit part of the Legitimacy depending on how close a relative they were to the previous ruler.

Every ruler starts with a certain amount of Legitimacy. This primarily scales with Dynasty Level of Splendor, as well as Character - CK3 Wiki (56) Court Grandeur if the ruler has a Royal Court. It is also increased by a a high Character - CK3 Wiki (57)Diplomacy skill and having the Character - CK3 Wiki (58)Just, Character - CK3 Wiki (59)Diplomat, Character - CK3 Wiki (60)Born in the Purple and Character - CK3 Wiki (61)Sayyid traits and reduced by having the Character - CK3 Wiki (62)Inbred trait or by being a gender that doesn't match the faith's View on Gender doctrine.

Legitimacy is calculated on a scale ranging from 0 to 2800 and goes through 6 levels. How much Legitimacy is required for each level depends on the primary title rank:

Primary Title Rank


Character - CK3 Wiki (63)CountyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (64)DuchyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (65)KingdomCharacter - CK3 Wiki (66)Empire

Each era will further increase the required Legitimacy for each level by half of the Legitimacy required for level 1.

A ruler will be expected to have a Legitimacy level at least equal to their title rank.

Being above expectations provides the following benefits.

  • Reduced short reign duration
  • Reduced cost for Claim casus belli
  • Increased marriage acceptance
  • Increased popular opinion
  • Increased alliance acceptance
  • Reduced claimant faction acceptance
  • Reduced cost for swinging scales of power
  • Reduced cost for creating a title (higher reduction for duchies and kingdoms, lower reduction for empires)
  • Increased Monthly Renown

Being at and especially below expectations provides the following penalties.

  • Increased short reign duration
  • Increased cost for Claim casus belli
  • Reduced marriage acceptance
  • Reduced vassalization acceptance
  • Reduced popular opinion
  • Reduced alliance acceptance
  • Increased claimant faction acceptance
  • Increased cost for swinging scales of power
  • Reduced Monthly Renown

What are the exact bonuses and penalties scale with the primary title rank. A Character - CK3 Wiki (67)king one level above or below expectations will be affected more than a Character - CK3 Wiki (68)count, one level above or below expectations.

Diplomatic range[edit | edit source]

The diplomatic range is the distance within which two characters can interact with each other. Neighboring realms are always within diplomatic range of each other, as well as realms separated by no more than three sea zones.

  • The first Dynasty Legacy from the Adventure Legacy Tree from Northern Lords DLC increases Diplomatic Range by 30%.
  • The Rock of Gibraltar increases Diplomatic Range by 20%.

Nicknames[edit | edit source]

Nicknames are epithets granted to characters and are displayed either before or after a character's name. They are mainly gained through Character - CK3 Wiki (69) decisions and events.

AI Personality[edit | edit source]

AI characters will act based on the following attributes:

  • Boldness: Characters with high Boldness are less affected by Character - CK3 Wiki (70)Dread and more likely to declare war on rulers of similar or higher strength, accept and propose Duels and take risks. Characters with low Boldness are more affected by Character - CK3 Wiki (71)Dread and more likely to declare war on weaker rulers, accept faction ultimatums and more reluctant to become an Agent in schemes, try to imprison Strong Vassals and take risks.
  • Compassion: Characters with high Compassion are more likely to release prisoners (especially children), use the Promote Cultural Acceptance steward task, let people marry for love and make friends and more reluctant to harm others, use the Murder scheme, execute prisoners or torture prisoners. Characters with low Compassion are more likely to harm others, use Hostile schemes, become an Agent in schemes, execute prisoners or torture prisoners.
  • Greed: Characters with high Greed will more often choose short-term gains, go on Raids, use the Collect Taxes steward task and betray other characters for Character - CK3 Wiki (74) and Character - CK3 Wiki (75)Titles and are more reluctant to pay ransom, send gifts, accept title revocations and end wars in White Peace. Characters with low Greed will more often spend Character - CK3 Wiki (77)Gold, pay ransom, send gifts, accept title revocations and host activities and are more reluctant to betray other characters for Character - CK3 Wiki (78) and Character - CK3 Wiki (79)Titles.
  • Honor: Characters with high Honor are more likely to follow Laws and honor Alliances and more reluctant to blackmail characters with Secrets. Characters with low Honor are more likely to start hostile Schemes, blackmail characters with Secrets, use the Find Secrets spymaster task and betray their friends and spouses.
  • Rationality: Characters with high Rationality are more likely to use the Disrupt Schemes spymaster task, peace out of wars when they last more than 6 months and start Murder schemes against a liege with Tyranny and try to fix debts and are more reluctant to gain Tyranny. Characters with low Rationality are more likely to gain Tyranny, get into inopportune wars and continue wars for more than 6 months.
  • Sociability: determines how often the character will consider a character interaction.
  • Vengefulness: Characters will high Vengefulness will more often seek to harm Rivals and cheating Spouses, join as Agents in schemes targeting characters who slighted them and request Excommunication to punish criminals and will less often forgive slights and transgressions. Characters with low Vengefulness will more often forgive slights and transgressions, refuse to punish prisoners and pardon criminals and do not start hostile schemes targeting Rivals and cheating Spouses any more than other characters.
  • Zeal: Characters with high Zeal are more likely to join defensively against Holy Wars, pledge or donate to Great Holy Wars, convert counties or vassals, go on pilgrimages and take actions that grant Character - CK3 Wiki (82)Piety and more reluctant to convert to other faiths. Characters with low Zeal are more likely to ignore Faith in politics and use it as a tool and more reluctant to take actions that grant Character - CK3 Wiki (83)Piety or accept requests from rulers with Theocracy government.

Each AI character will have its personality described with an adjective and a noun based on the highest amount of the value of two attributes. Children who do not have any traits yet will instead be described as Balanced.

AttributeVery Negative (-76 to -100)Negative (-1 to -75)Positive (+1 to +75)Very Positive (+76 to +100)
HonorTreacherousBlackguardDishonorableKnaveHonorableGentleman / GentlewomanRighteousParagon

Legends[edit | edit source]

A legend being created

Available only with the Legends of the Dead DLC enabled.

Legends represent important deeds that a character achieved in life. The story of the legend will be written in various events as the legend is being completed. Creating a legend costs 200 Character - CK3 Wiki (86)Gold if Character - CK3 Wiki (87)Count or Character - CK3 Wiki (88)Duke, 300 if Character - CK3 Wiki (89)King and 400 if Character - CK3 Wiki (90)Emperor, and it also has a monthly maintenance cost until it is completed. Character - CK3 Wiki (91) Legitimizing legends also cost 75 Character - CK3 Wiki (92)Prestige. A legend needs at least 5 years before it can be completed or abandoned. Each legend can only be created once.

Legends are created from Legend Seeds. The primary way of obtaining Legend Seeds is by employing a Court Chronicler with high Aptitude. They can also be obtained by doing certain deeds or being part of a certain dynasty.

When created, a legend can about either the ruler creating it or to one of its close or extended family members, living or dead, as long as they are at least 16 years old. If the protagonist is another character the ruler will gain +20 Character - CK3 Wiki (94)Legitimacy if the protagonist does not have a trait considered a virtue, and +50 if it does. Creating a legend also unlocks the Commission Legend Artifact decision.

Each legend while being created will have an Owner and may have Promoters as well. Both will gain bonuses depending on the legend type and unlock the Spread Legend intent for certain activities.

  • Owner is the ruler who starts the legend and gains the most bonuses. If the character dies any member of the same dynasty can take ownership of the legend from the Chronicle screen.
  • Promoters are rulers that promote the legend, gaining fewer bonuses but only paying half of the maintenance cost of owning it. Promoting a legend requires one of the following:
    • Know the language of the legend's creator
    • Neighbor with the legend's creator
    • Lover or Soulmate with the legend's creator
    • Friend or Best Friend with the legend's creator

Legends come in three types and three levels of quality, which together determine what benefits they give. When a legend is created it will start at Famed quality. Once it has spread to 100 Baronies it can be upgraded to Illustrious quality and once it has spread to 300 Baronies it can be upgraded to Mythical quality.

QualityBenefitsCharacter - CK3 Wiki (100) HeroicCharacter - CK3 Wiki (101) HolyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (102) Legitimizing
Character - CK3 Wiki (103)
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (105) +10% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (106) +100 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (107) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (108) +10% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (109) +100 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (110) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (111) +0.1 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (112) +5% Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (113) +200 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (114) Get an Unpressed Claim on every title de jure of the primary title
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (115) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (117) +2% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (118) +1 Martial
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (119) +2% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (120) +1 Learning
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (121) +0.01 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (122) +1 Stewardship
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (124) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (125) +5% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (126) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (127) +0.1 Monthly Control
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (128) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (129) +1% Development Growth
Character - CK3 Wiki (130)Character - CK3 Wiki (131)
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (133) +15% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (134) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (135) +200 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (136) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (137) Unlocks the Launch a Legendary Adventure decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (138) +15% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (139) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (140) +200 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (141) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (142) Unlocks the Evangelize to the Realm decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (143) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (144) +10% Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (145) +400 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (146) Get an Unpressed Claim on every title de jure of the primary title's kingdom
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (147) 50% chance unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (148) Unlocks the Expand the Kingdom decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (150) +6% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (151) +2 Martial
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (152) +4% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (153) +2 Learning
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (154) +0.04 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (155) +2 Stewardship
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (157) +10 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (158) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (159) +10 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (160) +0.15 Monthly Control
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (161) +10 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (162) +2% Development Growth
Character - CK3 Wiki (163)Character - CK3 Wiki (164)Character - CK3 Wiki (165)
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (167) +25% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (168) +2 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (169) +300 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (170) Unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (171) Unlocks the Launch a Legendary Adventure decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (172) Unlocks the Demand Local Submission decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (173) +25% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (174) +2 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (175) +300 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (176) Unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (177) Unlocks the Evangelize to the Realm decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (178) Unlocks the Reassert Holy Mission or Evangelize Pacifism decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (179) +0.5 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (180) +20% Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (181) +600 Legitimacy
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (182) Get an Unpressed Claim on every title de jure of the primary title's empire
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (183) Unlocks the Clear Grounds for a Legendary Building decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (184) Unlocks the Consolidate the Kingdom decision
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (186) +10% Prestige
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (187) +4 Martial
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (188) +10% Piety
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (189) +4 Learning
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (190) +0.1 Monthly Renown
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (191) +4 Stewardship
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (193) +20 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (194) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (195) +20 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (196) +0.25 Monthly Control
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (197) +20 Popular Opinion
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (198) +6% Development Growth
  • Having a skilled Chancellor
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (200)Crusader trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (201)Mujahid trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (202)Warrior of the Faith trait
  • Defeating a commander with the Character - CK3 Wiki (203)Greatest of Khans trait
  • Killing the animal of a Legendary Hunt
  • Having an Accolade and a Feast
  • Forming a new empire
  • Winning a great holy war
  • Winning a defense battle against a higher title rank ruler
  • Raiding a barony that has a special building
  • Winning a duel against an Emperor or Head of Faith
  • Winning 3 Grand Tournaments
  • Having a skilled Chancellor
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (208)Crusader trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (209)Mujahid trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (210)Warrior of the Faith trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (211)Theologian trait
  • Having the Character - CK3 Wiki (212)Sayyid trait
  • Completing a Pilgrimage while the Character - CK3 Wiki (214)Pilgrim trait has enough experience
  • Holding a holy site title
  • Reforming or creating a faith
  • Reaching the Religious Icon level of devotion
  • Constructing a temple holding
  • Having a skilled Chancellor
  • Heroic Bloodline dynasty legacy
  • Royal Court events
  • Grand Wedding events

Completing a legend ends the Owner and Promoter bonuses but allows a new legend to be started. A county can receive bonuses from multiple legends.

Decision legend seeds[edit | edit source]

The following legend seeds can only be obtained by decisions.

Legend seedTypeDecisionDescription
The SovereigntyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (219) Legitimizing
  • Dynasty of Many Crowns
  • Strengthen Bloodline
Either through fate or by design, power falls into [dynasty name] hands. Our lands are many and our deeds great, and our dominion over the thrones of the world is preordained.
A New CaesarCharacter - CK3 Wiki (220) LegitimizingRestore the Roman EmpireRome, once diminished to a distant memory, now rises again with a new Caesar, ready to bring civilization once again to a new age.
The Empire of the SlavsCharacter - CK3 Wiki (221) LegitimizingUnite the SlavsThe Slavic peoples spread far and wide across Europe, but now [protagonist name] stands as the first Tsar of all Slavs!
The Holy BloodCharacter - CK3 Wiki (222) LegitimizingConsecrate Bloodline[protagonist name]'s blood flows through all members of the [dynasty name] family. Our devotion to [high god name] is absolute and our deeds done only in His/Her name.
The Prophecy FulfilledCharacter - CK3 Wiki (223) HolyRestore the Faith High PriesthoodThe diaspora was thought to be eternal, but under [protagonist name], a new High Priesthood has emerged to lead the Jewish people into a new and brighter age.
Reigniting the FlamesCharacter - CK3 Wiki (224) HolyRestore the MagiThe Zoroastrian faith was lead by the great Magi of the past, but the order was dismantled. By the grace of Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra, [protagonist name] restored the Magi.
African True HeroCharacter - CK3 Wiki (225) HeroicUnite AfricaThere is nay a soul in Africa that does not know the name of [protagonist name] and his/her accomplishments.
Britannian True HeroCharacter - CK3 Wiki (226) HeroicReclaim BritanniaThere is nay a soul in Britannia that does not know the name of [protagonist name] and his/her accomplishments.
Dominion of the SeaCharacter - CK3 Wiki (227) HeroicSecure the High Kingdom of the North SeaThe North Sea has been the dominion of the Danes, and now under the rulership of [protagonist name], an empire rises above the waves.
Ganges Plain True HeroCharacter - CK3 Wiki (228) HeroicTake Stewardship of the Sacred RiverThere is nay a soul in Ganges Plain that does not know the name of [protagonist name] and his/her accomplishments.
Great Deed for Empire of FranciaCharacter - CK3 Wiki (229) HeroicRestore Carolingian BordersThroughout all history, among all rulers of Empire of Francia, none has achieved so much, none shall be spoken about before the great [protagonist name].
Great Deed for Kingdom of BurgundyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (230) HeroicUnify the BurgundiesThroughout all history, among all rulers of Kingdom of Burgundy, none has achieved so much, none shall be spoken about before the great [protagonist name].
Great Deed for West-SlaviaCharacter - CK3 Wiki (231) HeroicUnite the West SlavsThroughout all history, among all rulers of West-Slavia, none has achieved so much, none shall be spoken about before the great [protagonist name].
Italian True HeroCharacter - CK3 Wiki (232) HeroicUnify ItalyThere is nay a soul in Italia that does not know the name of [protagonist name] and his/her accomplishments.
The Greatest of KhansCharacter - CK3 Wiki (233) HeroicBecome Greatest of KhansAll that is under the sky belongs to the greatest of all Khans. With the Mongol people united behind one Khagan, wolves howl and eagles cry as Genghis Khan burns his/her name across the world.
The New Kaiser/KaiserinCharacter - CK3 Wiki (234) HeroicRestore the Holy Roman EmpireA new Kaiser/Kaiserin rises from the ashes to bring prosperity under his/her benevolent rule.
The New King/Queen of IsraelCharacter - CK3 Wiki (235) HeroicRestore IsraelIsrael, a Kingdom for God's chosen people, subjugated by Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans. Our exodus from the Promised Land has sent our people on a journey across the world, but now a new Kingdom of Israel rises and God's people inhabit its lands once again!
The Pirate King/QueenCharacter - CK3 Wiki (236) HeroicElevate the Kingdom of Mann & the IslesAcross the waves of Britannia, sailors tell stories of a great and dreadful pirate King/Queen, the terrifying [protagonist name]. Even the mightiest of warriors turns pale when they see those boats appearing on their shores. Surrender would be the only option, if only the King/Queen would accept such a thing.
The Fate of HispaniaCharacter - CK3 Wiki (237) Heroic Iberian Foothold
Ended the Iberian Struggle
The squabbling of the Iberian nobility is over, and [protagonist first name] emerges as its savior. The [primary title tier] victorious.
The Fate of The Persian EmpireCharacter - CK3 Wiki (240) Heroic Ended the Iranian IntermezzoThe Iranian Intermezzo is at last at an end, and [protagonist name] emerges as the hero to usher in a new age for the region.

Historical legend seeds[edit | edit source]

Historical legend seeds can only be used once per game, regardless of character. They are restricted to certain dynasties, cultures or faiths.

Legend seedTypeDynastyCultureReligionTitleLevel of fame/devotionOther requirements
New TroyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (242) HeroicCharacter - CK3 Wiki (243) AnyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (244) AnyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (245)County of Middle SeaxeCharacter - CK3 Wiki (246)Illustrious
Heirs of VercingetorixCharacter - CK3 Wiki (247) HeroicCharacter - CK3 Wiki (248) Brythonic heritageCharacter - CK3 Wiki (249) Any
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (250)Character - CK3 Wiki (251) Byzantine Empire
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (252)Character - CK3 Wiki (253) Holy Roman Empire
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (254)Character - CK3 Wiki (255) Roman Empire
Character - CK3 Wiki (256)IllustriousCharacter - CK3 Wiki (257) Realm capital is in the Francia region
Sons of ScotaCharacter - CK3 Wiki (258) Heroic
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (259) Goidelic heritage
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (260) West Germanic heritage
Character - CK3 Wiki (261) AnyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (262)Kingdom of ScotlandCharacter - CK3 Wiki (263)Illustrious
Trojan ScionCharacter - CK3 Wiki (264) Heroic
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (265) Cornish
  • Character - CK3 Wiki (266) Cornish descent
Character - CK3 Wiki (267) AnyCharacter - CK3 Wiki (268)Duchy of CornwallCharacter - CK3 Wiki (269)Exalted Among Men
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.